

1 Domain Names Format:

1.1 Special characters such as a hyphen (-) are not allowed as first or last character.
1.2 The first character should be a letter.
1.3 Domain names must not contain words, phrases or abbreviations that are obscene, scandalous, indecent, or contrary to The Qatari Law or Islamic morality.
1.4 A registered domain name does not confer any legal right or ownership to that name. It simply represents a technical label to be used on the Internet.

2 Domain Names Conflicts:

2.1 Any disputes over the rights to use a particular domain name are to be settled between the contending parties using normal legal methods. AGIP exempts itself from all responsibility for the verification of rights to a name. AGIP cannot act as an arbitrator of disputes arising out of this kind of conflict.
2.2 AGIP will not be liable for any interruption of business, or any indirect damages of any kind (including losses of profits) or otherwise.
2.3 AGIP may suspend registration of a pending application for a disputed domain name in case of a conflict with another pending application or an already registered domain name until the conflicting registrants present a signed and written settlement of the conflict.
2.4 Acceptance of an application and registration of a domain name by AGIP does not endorse approval or support to submitted names of natural or legal identities, trade names or trademarks.


1 AGIP will notify applicants of acceptance, rejection or modification, by fax, telephone, or email.

2 Reasons for AGIP to reject domain name applications include but are not limited to:

2.1 Incomplete, inaccurate, or incorrect entries in the Application Form.
2.3 The domain name is not correctly hosted in the name servers.
2.4 The applicant and/or his application are in status contradictory with the Country’s
2.5 Domain names are identical with an already registered domain name.
2.6 Domain names do not comply with public ethics.
2.7 Domain names are registered with the intent of reselling them.
2.8 Primary and/or secondary DNS server(s) do not respond properly.

Head Office

AGIP Building 104 Mecca Street, Um-Uthaina, Amman, Jordan
P.O. Box: 921100, Amman 11192, Jordan
Telephone: (00 962-6) 5100 900
Email :