

No. Cancellation can be made through competent courts only.

Industrial drawings and industrial models are both used to depict useful information about industrial designs; the main difference between the two is that industrial drawings are two-dimensional graphics/plans consisting of a combination of lines and colors, while industrial models are three-dimensional objects.

Another difference is that industrial drawings are mostly used to depict information related to the aesthetic and ornamental look of a product (those that will allow consumers to distinguish it from other products), while industrial models show the functional aspect and main features of the product (those that show the purpose for which it was created).

An industrial design may be granted copyright protection with respect to its pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features, only provided that these features may exist separately from the functional aspects of the related product and are easily identifiable by customers; accordingly, such a protection is very limited in scope.

- Industrial design rights may not protect the functional aspect or technical features of a product; they only cover its appearance or ornamental/aesthetic aspect.
- Colors, verbal elements, and sounds do not qualify for industrial design protection as they do not constitute part of the appearance of a product.
- Designs whose appearance is directly related to their function may not be protected as industrial designs, while they may be granted protection as patents or utility models.

As there is no special register for 3D marks in Lebanon, which may only be registered as regular trademarks at the Lebanese IP Protection Office, it would be recommended to file a design application in order to be able to obtain proper protection for the shape of an object.

Head Office

AGIP Building 104 Mecca Street, Um-Uthaina, Amman, Jordan
P.O. Box: 921100, Amman 11192, Jordan
Telephone: (00 962-6) 5100 900
Email : agip@agip.com