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Arabia Saudita


Filing Requirements
Copyright Applications

Computer software:

1. Three copies of the software.

2. A detailed explanation of the software with specification of its contents.

3. The name and identity of the programmer (a photocopy of his passport).

4. An undertaking that the program is not quoted, i.e. it is the programmer's own invention. If the opposite is proven, the application will be treated as canceled.

5. A Power of Attorney legalized up to the Consulate of Saudi Arabia.

6. A permission from the Ministry of Information allowing the circulation of the software.

Literary works and others:

1. Three copies of the work.

2. The name and identity of the author.

3. An undertaking that the work is not quoted, i.e. it is the author's own invention. If the opposite is proven, the application will be treated as canceled.

4. A Power of Attorney legalized up to the Consulate of Saudi Arabia.

5. A permission from the Ministry of Information allowing the distribution of the work.

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